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What Is EatnSmile?

Word-of-mouth has always been a very effective tool in the Marketing World, especially in the F&B industry. Reviews from food reviewers often have a significant impact on the customer’s decisions. In a food reviewer’s circumstance, once spent lots of time putting on a good review, the restaurant and the review site are those who actually benefit the most from the written post, rather than the food reviewer.

Thus, EatnSmile was born to ease this agony.

EatnSmile Project Overview

EatnSmile is The First Review Site on Web3 rewarding users on every review posted.

To put into perspective, the app creates an open space for everyone to contribute reviews, then earn high-liquidity rewards in return. On the other hand, anyone can mint a Store NFT and become a store owner without paying any gas fees, carrying the privilege of placing a FREE ad banner.

The site simply benefits all involved parties, aiming for a sustainable playground, where community members gain certain value from their actual contributions.

What is EatnSmile?

The community is the protagonist.

EatnSmile is the first of its kind on the web3 environment, but it’s actually not so much different from the traditional web2 counterparts, you can still find all the relevant info usually appear on most popular review sites such as Store info, rating, reviews, menus, opening time, direction, images, etc.

The stand-out feature of EatnSmile reflects on its ability to replace the web2 legacy with web3 implementation, allowing users to sign in and get rewards directly to their Blockchain wallets.

EatnSmile is built for the people and managed by its trusted community through a dynamic voting mechanism instead of being managed by the development team.


Competitive edge of EatnSmile against other sites
The competitive edge of EatnSmile

High security

EatnSmile is where anyone can be whoever they want without giving up their real identity. By using web3, EatnSmile eliminates the concept of physical boundaries so that users can stay anonymous to speak their minds freely. You only need to connect your Blockchain wallet to be a part of the community.

Earn from your contributions

Every time you take action to help build a better community will be counted and later awarded one way or another. This means every review post, rating action, NTF minting, or store management, etc. will be recognized.

The main reward on EatnSmile is $STAR token. Users can use this token to exchange for various rewards or to use different features on the site, such as NTF mintcode, e-voucher, store info editing, or exchange on different DEXs.

Aside from that, if you are a store owner, you can place a free ads banner for your store with no time limit, or even list your store for sale on Opensea. It’s your choice. The more actions you take, the more loyal points you will get. Loyal points will be the estimation for governance token airdrop – $NARUTO Token.

EatnSmile ensures every action gets rewarded in terms of building up a healthy and energetic community.

Who are you on EatnSmile? 

A reviewer

You can be anyone on EatnSmile but why not start as a reviewer since the core value of the site is to establish a place where users can share and earn from their experiences, so it’s the easiest way to earn rewards, and it’s completely free. You just need to connect your wallet ( KEYRING PRO, Metamask).

After trying out an IRL store, reviewers can search for that store on EatnSmile, then provide feedback with text, images, and emojis, or they can comment, tap the ‘helpful’ button on other reviews or report a spam review.

As a reward for submitting a review, EatnSmile will offer 03 mystery boxes (3 times/day) giving a random amount of $STAR Token, or partner’s tokens.

EatnSmile user flow
EatnSmile user flow

A store owner

Users can become Store owners on EatnSmile after minting a store NFT (NO gas fee). Owning a store will give you full authority over that store from adding menus, addresses, and opening times, to placing a free banner for unlimited time. Users can use this banner slot to display their banner or can just pull a banner from the Ad Network to earn some advertising rewards. Ones can be the owner of various Store NFTs with no limitation.

Ad banners should meet certain conditions to display properly as below:
  • Size: 320 x 50 px
  • File: JPEG, PNG
  • Destination URL must be:
    • Non- phishing
    • Non- pornographic content
    • Non- Political
    • Non- Downloadable
    • Following EatnSmile Community Standards.

Once a store reaches a high level of quality (provide full detail of description, menus, address, images, etc.) Store owners can list it for sale on the native NFT marketplace of EatnSmile or sell it on Opensea.

Selling your store NFT would not affect the store’s appearance in anyways, it’s simply a change of ownership.

EatnSmile Tokens

There are two types of tokens on EatnSmile: $STAR Token and $NARUTO Token.

$STAR Token

This is the main reward on EatnSmile. Users can easily obtain $STAR Token by posting high-quality food reviews of the local F&B stores on the site.

The Token will come in 2 different forms: Unclaimed token and Claimed token. 

Unclaimed token:  After contributing a review, an unclaimed $STAR Token will appear in the balance. Those unclaimed tokens can be used to exchange for gifts in the Souvenir Shop. Unclaimed $STAR token will not appear on the Blockchain wallet since its existence mainly lies in the database.

Claimed token: This is the converted form of an Unclaimed Token. Users need to pay some gas fees to the Blockchain network to convert Unclaimed tokens into Claimed tokens. $STAR Token will be displayed on your Blockchain wallet, and you may exchange it for other assets on DEXs.

You can mint Store NFT with 100 $STAR Token regardless of the forms. Used $STAR will be burnt systematically.


$NARUTO token is the governance token of the EatnSmile ecosystem, allowing the system to operate in a decentralized environment by putting the power into the community’s hands.

With $NARUTO, holders can participate in various voting pools in EatnSmile DAO, and get rewarded every time they cast a vote. Due to the nature of governance, EatnSmile will only start launching the token when reaching a sufficient number of community members ( Ideally 100,000 members).

Upon reaching 100,000 members, a 10% supply of $NARUTO Token will be released through Airdrop. The other 5% will be held back until the site reaches 1,000,000 members.

$STAR Token


Token name

EatnSmile Star

Naruto Token










Initial supply

5,000,000 $STAR

152,500,000 $NARUTO

Total Supply

105,000,000$ STAR

1,000,000,000 $NARUTO

Max supply




User activities, including Review, Helpful, and the number of Store NFTs owned will be automatically calculated into loyalty points.

  • Review: The number of reviews given by users (3 reviews per day – 2.5 points each)
  • Helpful: the number of times other people click the ‘helpful’ button on a review (1 point each)
  • Mint Store NFT: The number of NFTs Minted by user.
    • Mint with FREE mintcode (2.5 points each)
    • Mint with STAR token (purchase with STAR Token) (10 points each)
    • Purchase NFTs on Marketplace (10 points each)
  • Become a Gold Crown member (5000 points)

Check out our Governance page for more info.

The purpose of counting loyalty points is to estimate the amount of governance token airdrop in the future, meaning the more contribution the more token will be airdropped.


User using EatnSmile website
EatnSmile is a free review site that anyone can use.

EatnSmile is the first review site on web3 that will fairly reward users for their contribution to the community. Anyone can be whoever they want on the site without any restriction.

Every action on the app is counted and users will be rewarded with $STAR token, which can be exchanged for multiple rewards. Users can take the main seats in the community by participating in various voting pools with $NARUTO token.
